Energy Community Platform

Just Say The Word, We Can Do It All!

Meet The Energy Community Platform Revolution

Learn About Our Renewable Energy Communities


What's Trending Now

Before talking about the Energy Community Platform, we need to start with the new modern technologies the European Parliament is financing - the development of concrete energy community initiatives across Europe. These Energy communities have the purpose of organising collective and citizen-driven energy actions that help pave the way for a clean energy transition, while moving citizens to the forefront.

Energy communities increase the public acceptance of renewable energy projects and make it easier to attract private investments in the clean energy transition. Meanwhile, they provide direct benefits to citizens by increasing energy efficiency, lowering their electricity bills and creating local job opportunities.

Don't Miss Out

The Energy communities offer a means to re-structure our energy systems by harnessing energy and allowing citizens to actively participate  in the energy transition thereby enjoying greater benefits of the virtual modern tools.

Energy communities can take any form of legal entity, making it easier for citizens to  participate, together with other market players, to team up and jointly invest in energy assets. In this way it helps contribute to a more decarbonised and flexible energy system, as the energy communities can act as one entity and access all suitable energy markets on a level-playing field with other market actors.

Why The Blockchain

Where The Flexibility, Immutability And Reliability Of The Blockchain Meet The Future Of Energy Community Platform

Immutable Energy Measures Value

Immutable Energy Measures Value

Each measure stored in the HexErgy platform are certified and are immutable which guarantee the value of the energy measured.

Flexible Member Participation

Flexible Member Participation

Each Member is free to leave or join an energy community. With the HexErgy flexibility it is possible to constantly update and verify the changes in legal documentation.

Reliable Incentive Mechanism Adjustments

Reliable Incentive Mechanism

Any change in the regulation of the incentive mechanism can be adopted by HexErgy, ensuring the reliability of the distribution of incentives among members..

Future Aggregate Communities

Future Aggregated Communities

HexErgy has the properties to allow future developments to occur on the same platform, such as enabling the aggregation of energy communities to support the energy dispatching market.

Get the Most Out of Energy Communities with HexErgy

Our High Value

The HexErgy energy community platform is based on the concept of blockchain because the data that will be stored are energy measurements and legal documents that will have a value over time that must be verified and certified.

For this reason the concept of blockchain offers a high value proposition to energy communities because in a blockchain network there is a distributed ledger that records, certifies and verifies all transactions that occur on the network and receives an immutability property that guarantees that information has not been changed since and any updates will also be recorded.

Be Part Of The Energy Communities With HexErgy

Our Strengths

The flexibility of the platform for HexErgy's energy communities allows it to solve the needs of different participants, its proprietary nature allows for correct integration within any system and the security and reliability of the blockchain allow it to guarantee certification of all transactions and the incentives defined within the energy community.

These and other features allow HexErgy to support all the milestones regarding the energy communities, from the designing, passing through the legal formation, monitoring and managing the participants within the energy community.

Proprietary Source

API Interactions

Certified Measurements Blockchain

Data Integration

GSE Integration

Tools Modularity

We Solve Real Problems

What Can We Do For You?

Energy Community Designer Tool

Design & Optimize At The Same Time

Energy Community Designer Tool

A proprietary tool to design and optimize the members and resources of any energy community.

Energy Community Creator Tool

Create & Manage Legal Documentation At The Same Time

Energy Community Creator Tool

A tool that manages and supports the creation of an energy community and the management of participants.

Energy Community Manager Tool

Create, Monitor, Optimize & Manage At The Same Time

Energy Community Manager Tool

A tool to configure, monitor, optimize, manage members and devices of any energy community.​

Energy Communities Marketplace

Discover & Be Part Of New Energy Community At The Same Time

Energy Communities Marketplace

A place where future members, building owners, energy producers, developers and energy service companies can meet to form new energy communities.


Tailor-Made Energy Community Platform

Flexibility & Creativity For Energy Communities

HexErgy's flexibility allows the platform to integrate tools as singles or together. This modularity and proprietary development allow for customization of the platform based on customer or user needs. 

The creativity of the HexErgy team inspires research and intelligent development of solutions to make the implementation and future development of energy communities easier.

We Can Meet Your Needs

What Does HexErgy's Energy Community Platform Offer You?



Each tool can be used independently or together.



Each tool can be customized to meet any need.

Certified Measurements

Certified Measurements

Each measurement is certified and immutable thanks to the blockchain.

Data Integration

Data Integration

Tools can use data collected from the user via a connector.

API Integration

API Integration

The platform can be integrated via API.

Security & Reliability

Security & Reliability

The private blockchain ensures data integrity and protection for every user.

Mobile App

Mobile App

An app for monitoring your consumption within the energy community.

Role Visualization

Role Visualization

The information shown is based on your role in the energy community.

Machine Learning

Machine Learning

Integration of machine learning algorithms for optimization tools.


Your all-in-one platform

See HexErgy in Action

Interested in learning how HexErgy’s platform can help you design, create, and manage a successful energy community?

Try HexErgy for yourself now.

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