Energy Community Marketplace

Do you want to find or join an energy community? We can help you!

Energy Communities Marketplace

Discover & Be Part Of New Energy Community At The Same Time

Energy Communities Marketplace

A place where future members, building owners, energy producers, lenders and energy services companies meet to form new energy communities.

A free proprietary source tool for any energy community market player like consumer, prosumer, energy service companies, producers, suppliers, lenders and more, who can register and find new potential members for an energy community, or find optimal services for the energy community. With the flexibility of HexErgy it is possible to create a marketplace that offers:

  • Location based search.
  • Consumption and production information.
  • Send applications or offers.
  • Automated viability verification.
  • Economics indicators.

A Step-By-Step Roadmap To Create

One-Place Energy Community Marketplace

A place where future members, building owners, energy producers, lenders and energy services companies can meet to form new energy communities.

Free Proprietary Source

Free Proprietary Source

The tool is free to use and can store data.

Multiple Energy Communities Roles

Multiple Energy Communities Roles

Each user can configure multiple energy communities roles.

Multiple Offers

Multiple Offers

Each user can offer different services with different locations.

Technical Information

Technical Information

The platform will just show technical information.

Share Information

Share Information

No personal information is shared until the proposal is validated and users authorized.

Proposal Validation

Proposal Validation

Each offer is validated by the platform.

Members Selection

Members Selection

Each user can send offers to other energy community market players.

Notification Information

Notification Information

Set notifications for new market players that meet your requirements.

HexErgy Automation

HexErgy Automation

Each validated and accepted offer can be directly integrated with the HexErgy tools.

Find The Right Place To Belong

Energy Community Marketplace Benefits

A place where future members, building owners, energy producers, lenders and energy services companies meet to form new energy communities.


Rise To The Top

Discover Opportunities

The marketplace was designed to discover opportunities not just of consumer, prosumer or producer but also energy service companies or suppliers.


Count On Us

The Privacy Experts

The information shown is just technical and only once an offer is validated by the platform and authorized by the user will the private information be shared.


Try, Try Again

Best Practices

The marketplace allows you to register different roles and locations that can change at any time and as many times as necessary to achieve satisfactory and reliable results.


Your all-in-one platform

See HexErgy in Action

Interested in learning how HexErgy’s platform can help you design, create, and manage a successful energy community?

Try HexErgy for yourself now.

We Have Great Answers

Ask Us Anything

What Information Is Public?

The market place will show just technical information with an approximate location. No personal information is public.

Can I Change The Information Submitted?

Yes, any time that you need.

Is The Data Stored ?

Yes, all the information registered in the tool will be stored and secured by HexErgy.

Do You Provide Full Service?

HexErgy will support you any time that you need to get the most of the tool.

We Strive To Make
Our Clients Happy

So, Let's Be Happy Together
